Yass!¹ So earlier this year I celebrated with great lament the future of ‘Fearless Girl’ installed opposite ‘Charging Bull’ on Wall Street. She’s small, she’s tiny, she needs help! And lo and behold, help showed up and here are my nods to a few of the women in the army² standing with and behind her:

  • Serena Williams

I’ll start here with Ms. Williams because even though this is a Gatorade commercial, it is sweet. As a strong, smart, athletic mother, Serena encourages her baby daughter to “please keep playing no matter what.” As should we all Serena. Message delivered. Message received.

PhD in anthropology, expert on authoritarian regimes, speaks Uzbek. It’s a long list. Sarah Kendzior is a boss. If ‘Fearless Girl’ came to life, she would be Sarah Kendzior.  You can follow Dr. Kendzior on Twitter (which provides links to many of her articles) or de Correspondent.

  • Rep. Maxine Waters (D-California)

Don’t waste Rep. Waters’ time. And a thread of truth to power.

  • Sen. Kamala Harris (D-California)

Calls out white lies and the lyin’ white liars who tell them.

  • Rep. Karen Bass (D-California)

Well, this is a trend. Rep. Karen Bass, a California Democrat calls out our little white lyin’ Attorney General on upholding systemic racism studies and statements.

  • Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts)

She persisted. And Sen. Warren continues to persist.

Embedded with white supremacists and neo-Nazis to report on the rally in Charlottesville, Virginia. I look forward following her career. And I hope she doesn’t get too tired before she gets old.

After years of silence, the thunder of truth to power.

  • I close the list for today with Uma Thurman, a wrecking ball who is angry balling balls to the wall for balls.³

Yass! ‘Fearless Girl’ has company!

And truth to power, it is a growing army of support.

¹ IRL: In Real Life;  Yass: according to the Urban Dictionary a Scottish way of saying ‘Yes’ in celebration. Also, Viva waves her arms and jumps up and down just saying ‘Yass’!

² And to be clear, I am referring to the non-military definition of army: “a large number of people or things, typically formed or organized for a particular purpose.”

³ Oh so many references to balls! I’ll unpack.

Wrecking ball: A heavy metal ball swung from a crane into a building to demolish it.

Balling – Urban Dictionary: used to describe an individual, situation, or object with well-rounded competence, force of personality, significant affluence, and physical prowess. And Uma Thurman is all that.

Balls to the wall. An engineering term. A picture or in this case a video is worth a thousand words and toward the end of this article is Jay Leno with a physical demonstration of equipment going ‘balls to the wall’.

Balls.  Again with the Urban Dictionary but nuance matters.  I’m looking at balls as “the centre of a man’s life,” (definition #1 provided by DamianRules123, May 23, 2007).

I do believe Ms. Thurman is big, big, bigly, like so big coming for Harvey Weinstein or HollyWood. Balling balls to the wall for balls.