Prescedense: an elected chief of state lacking intelligence or common sense whose subsequent actions lower the bar for the standard of comportment¹ expected of the office of President of the United States (POTUS).

Prescedensy: the office of Prescedense.

Some word play is order for this, the angriest of TGIFs and I wish it was more difficult, but here we go!  Prescedense is the result of a three-way word mash-up:

President (pres): “an elected official serving as both chief of state and chief political executive in a republic having a presidential government,” (definition 5a).

For our mash-up, we’re specifically referring to the office of President of the United States (POTUS).

Precedent (ced): “an earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances”.

Here we have many examples of actions to choose from: Twitter and tweeting, outright lies and subsequent denial, shameless self-promotion, blatant and unrepentant use of elected office to promote personal business interests, etc. and there are multiple examples for each. Ugh.

And dense (ense), (synonym of stupid): “having or showing a great lack of intelligence or common sense.”

And thus, mash it all together pres+ced+ense and we have Prescedense: an elected chief of state lacking intelligence or common sense whose subsequent actions lower the bar for the standard of comportment¹ expected of the office of President of the United States (POTUS).


Prescedense: After suggesting that conversations in the Oval Office might be taped in May, Prescedense Trump² eventually tweeted in June that he did not have any such recordings.

Prescedensy: The media is subject to incessant gaslighting by the current Prescedensy; as are we all!

Have a great weekend, why not?  TGIF!

¹Comportment: behavior; bearing. This is a favorite word from my youth as my dad’s discipline usually came gently in the form of “you know you could improve your comportment.”

²Yes, Ann. “Prescedense” feels like a typo — a weak fumble railing against the night. But for today, “that’ll do pig …”